I do see that when you sync it down, you have a 'config file' (api.json) with the relevant metadata.
Here's a sample:
"appId": "abcd-1234",
"funcs": {
"/": [ // filepath
"id": 1234, // function ID
"name": "myGreatFunction", function Name
"description": "",
"type": "nodejs12.x",
"contentType": "FILE",
"method": "PUT",
"ram": 128,
"timeout": 15,
"output": "JSON"
My suggestion is, maybe the fs pull can (either by default or with an arg) write the APIs in the correct folder structure, with the function names.
Then, when uploading, it can match the filenames/paths with the JSON config file in order to upload it back to the server in the right place.
This is a huge difference between something like AppDrag and Netlify or others. I love AppDrag but I'm spending a LOT of time trying to do simple things like sync my code to gitHub or work effectively locally in VS Code without copy/pasting code by hand back and forth.