Will there be more pre-built functions and code-snippet that I can access without having to learn to code from scratch?
I am a content writer, not a coder. and it seems that in order to have features like membership areas, discussion forums, product reviews etc I have to start learning to code and become a fullstack developer. I am missing something or is this more of tool for those who are more technical minded. I like the page builder functions but when I want to add a new feature I really have no interest in learning a whole programming language to do so. Thats why so many people use tools like wordpress where someone else designs the plugins that add functionality. Also I dont understand how building my own account area and membership login functionality is secure. I have no idea if the code that I am writing can be hacked or is vulnerable in another way. Seems like there should be a lot more pre-coded functionality available for me to use in the page builder.
I welcome your opinions...