BUG: Unable to change font-size.
We can't edit an already edited font-header size, tried in all browsers.
To replicate:
- Set font-size on text.
- Click somewhere else.
- Edit the test again and change font-size.
Result: nothing happens.
Hi Thomas, can you hit the </> code button of the element in question and paste (or screenshot) that here?
<h2 class="appdrag-element dynamic-sized-element ui-draggable-handle resizable-elem" style="position:relative;margin-bottom:0 !important;margin-top:0 !important;padding:10px 0 0 !important" category="Texts" margin-desktop-bottom="0" padding-desktop-top="10" padding-desktop-bottom="0" padding-desktop-left="0" padding-desktop-right="0" market-id="3700129" owner-id="4"><span style="font-size:24px">Something something</span></h2>
And after trying to change it:
<h2 class="appdrag-element dynamic-sized-element ui-draggable-handle resizable-elem" style="position:relative;margin-bottom:0 !important;margin-top:0 !important;padding:10px 0 0 !important" category="Texts" margin-desktop-bottom="0" padding-desktop-top="10" padding-desktop-bottom="0" padding-desktop-left="0" padding-desktop-right="0" market-id="3700129" owner-id="4"><span style="font-size:23px;"></span><span style="font-size:24px">Something something</span><br></h2>
Seems the issue is that the selected text does not select the actual text, the new size is just prepended.
Hey Thomas,
double click on your text element, then select all the text, then click on "Tx" icon to remove all styles on that element
then finally set your style. this should work -
If I tell clients to do this, they will laugh at us.
Before thinking about this, could you try it and tell me if this fix your issue or not?
Selecting the text with the mouse works, CTRL+A doesn't work.
Hi Thomas, can you send a link to a demo page?