@Linda-MacDonald said in Margin vs Padding:
Hey there Nico - one way to explain the difference is: with margin you move objects into place and with padding you squeece objects into place. Let's say you want to move a box from left to right or move the box slightly lower or higher on the page that necessitates that you adjust the margin, e.g. you want your box higher up on the page use minus values (-46 lets say) if you use + values (46) then you move the box down the page. Padding is very similar but rather than a clean move you are squeezing one or all edges of your box to fit into a certain place on your page which also makes your box/object to become smaller or larger - margins don't affect the actual size of an object...make sense? here is a good resource if you are unsure
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. Helped me very well