Hi, project mikhail-fisher-757206
Mikhail Fisher
The project came with a free domain name. Client chose: www.michael12realestate.com
I generated the SSL but the domain stays in red. Please see screeshot:
Posts made by Jessica Bendahan
Domain on Appdrag but not working
Link not working
Hello, project marc-andre-morency-7ea134
Marc-André Morency
On the Home page, the Services (right under the hero) I added a link to each to redirect to contact page when someone clicks on any service but when I do preview and I even tried to publish, it doesn't redirect to the contact page.
What is the reason this isn't working as it usually always works.
Thank you. -
Link to email
Good morning, project marc-andre-morency-7ea134
Marc-André Morency
On the top, I added Marc-André's email and I added a link to him emails.
On the live website, when you click on the email it doesn't open up for everyone. Is there a better way to do this?Also, is there a way that if someone clicks on his phone number it calls him?
Thank you.
RE: Domain forward from GoDaddy
@joseph-benguira Joseph, thank you so much!!! This was the last step that I forgot. It's working now. Hag Sameah :)!
RE: Domain forward from GoDaddy
@joseph-benguira But I can't remove the 2 As. The website isn't working online.
RE: Domain forward from GoDaddy
@jessica-bendahan Do I need to remove the forwarding then delete the 2 A and then redo the forwarding? It's not so clear to me sorry.
RE: Domain forward from GoDaddy
@joseph-benguira J'apprecie la réponse merci. J'aimerais aller avec l'option1 car j'ai déjà tout fait le forwarding a Appdrag et le SSL. J'ai lu le lien mais tou ca est fait. Je ne comprends pas comment supprimer les 2 A. Il faut que je supprime le Forwarding, que je supprime les A et que je recommence tout?
Domain forward from GoDaddy
Good morning, project marc-andre-morency-7ea134
Marc-André Morency
He has his domain on godaddy and I have forwarded domains from godaddy many time however for this website and another one something is wrong. I did follow ever step I had done for other websites.Can you please look at my screenshots?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Content of page hidden and can't retreive
Hi, project
marc-andre-morency-7ea134On the Services page I adde dall of his services and noticed that they appeared on the header of the home page so I hide all and it looks like it also Hid all from the service page. Now I can't seem to retrieve any of it. Can you please help?
Thank you in advance.
Header Footer gone and website not https
Hi, I just published nataf.ca but the header is gone. In page layout, it's indicated header and footer so I don't understand. And also, the website isn't secure. Can you please help me? Thank you in advance.
RE: Shop items not linked Project: mikhail-fisher-757206.appdrag.site
Thant is a great suggestion, thank you! The only issue with that is that he might get to 30 properties so that would be too many pages...
Thank you for all your help. -
RE: Shop items not linked Project: mikhail-fisher-757206.appdrag.site
Hi Joseph, thank you for your help. It's my second shop and the last one was 1 year ago so it's a bit far in my mind. Now it works on preview but when I click on any of the listed properties it doesn't redirect to the properties that I published in the shop. Can you please let me know what's wrong? I have been looking and testing but I can't find the error. Thank you.
RE: Shop items not linked Project: mikhail-fisher-757206.appdrag.site
@joseph-benguira Thank you, I did this but it still doesn't work. It keeps redirecting to page 404.
Shop items not linked Project: mikhail-fisher-757206.appdrag.site
Hi, project mikhail-fisher-757206.appdrag.site
The page of the website: Our Properties doesn't redirect to to properties that are in the shop. Can you please help me on what I am missing here?Thank you in advance.
RE: david-nataf-3ee2bd.appdrag.site
@joseph-benguira Thank you, it works now.
My header, menu disappeared from the Home page builder. When I do preview it's there but I can't work on it anymore from the home page on page builder. Can you please help? Ty
Transfer domain name and website to client for good.
Hi, I have a client that wants to own his website and domain name (that I I bought on Appdrag). I know that I can transfer his website over to him but what about the domain name? I also want him to be able to pay his renewal every year and that it no longer passes on my credit card.
Can you please let me know how to proceed?
Thank you.