Testimonial Carousel non-responsive +
Anyone can please help with making a testimonial carousel responsive? The text inside the boxes is not responsive (no way to change the plugin on the front end), AND I would also like to figure out how to make the boxes with the text display wider.. (if I change the height the boxes actually get narrower; quite frustrating for testimonials longer than five words or so...)
Thank you for helping out!
Bo -
Can you show us your carousel so we can give you some tips based on what you have?One generic solution is to have a desktop version and a mobile version.
Hi, of course.
Here is the link: I ended up doing, was to split the text as if it was more than one testimonial. So now, EACH testimonial sits inside each own plugin instance, and the text was segmented. The pain page (home) has another testimonial and I used the same fragmentation. Best I can think of.....
I still would love to be able to change the boxes size. If I was super lucky, I would change the shape too.
Thanks for looking at it
It drove me bonkers and ended up doing what you'll see..
Ok I see, I like what you ended up with.
You can change box size by adjusting the number of slides shown and the height, but as we zoom in/out based on that you might need to change the content size of your elements.
Sometimes for specific use cases it's not the best fit and we end up writing custom code for some sliders. We're looking on improving it or creating another type of carousel on AppDrag.