Bug on blog / categories
Hi, my client just called me for his website :
We used the blog to present all their partners with different categories
When we go and come back, the categories disappearBEFORE
![0_1605031620694_4bc22920-00c8-426c-98f7-a86332915d50-image.png](Envoi en cours 100%)I didn't find where is the trouble...
Hi Katya,
When I go to your website I see the categories. Where can I see the "after" page?
Hi Wassim !!!
Sorry to answer you so late !!!
He told me that when he comes and come back, when he enters in a partner and make Return... it's not all the time, that's why it's difficult to explain... but I saw last time, in fact that the categories were empty after a few ways... -
I haven't been able to reproduce on my side, does it still happen? Did you or your customer changed something?
I don't think so but you're right... it's weird and not all the time...
I have added a BUTTON in the Product file : Comme back to the Partner Page... I think eveything'll be OK like that...