[TM] Private code
I feel like I asked that by tawkto a long time ago, so, sorry by advance ^^"
Is there any way to share private code between my API funcs ?
I put some not sensitive at all code in the code editor, as a shared (public) file, but I would like to have the same but not browsable online, only accessible from the code editor or by the API funcs.Any way to do so ?
I'll use it to store sensible configuration file that will be a little more complicated than the Environment Variables.Thanks a lot
Hi Pierre,
Yes, you can host a .js file somewhere in the filesystem (using CodeEditor). Then, use npm 'require-remote' to access the URL of that file and import it into your script.
Something like:
// Defining common container vars const MY_FILE_URL = ""; var MY_CODE = null; // Start of invocation for each call exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) => { // If the container is warm, re-use the previously imported module. If not, import it. if (MY_CODE == null) { MY_CODE = await require("require-remote")(MY_FILE_URL); } }
Now, I'm not sure if you can import strings, objects this way. If anyone knows, that would be great, I can't do a proof of concept right now.
However, if needed, you can create a function that simply returns the string or object you need.
In your function:
const someVar = MY_CODE.getSomeVar();
And in your file:
module.exports.getSomeVar = () => { return "some-secret-var"; }
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for your reply,
I think I'm missing something or you'll have the same issue than me ^^
The require-remote part works well, no problem with that thanks !The problem is that either I put that file in the Cloudbackend folder using the code editor, but it will be viewable by anybody having the link.
Or I put it in the a internal folder, but I have a "Forbiden Access" when I try to require it
If your sample is working, you can go to the code editor, clic on the link icon, and you'll see you can read it freely anywhere.... or I missed something !I would need the file to not be viewable by others having the link, but still requirable by my API funcs ^^"
Best regards, -
Hey Pierre,
Your code should not contain any credentials or API Keys, those should be stored in environnement variables (encrypted)
So it should not be a big issue to require-remote a public file.
Other option is to store your shared code in another cloud function with APIKey protection, this way the shared code is really private.but really ... you should NOT have shared code (or as less as possible) because an error in your shared code means all your functions using the shared code are down or will be affected by that global change in an unexpected way ... this is not recommended with microservices.
Well it's not THAT sensitive indeed, it was more like macros for table names and preprod names and stuff like that to avoid to repeat it and be able to change it easily.
I know the Database and stuff like that are protected but I'm thinking that it's still the bed idea to spread all the accurate name of everything that easily ^^"Problem with the Env Variables is that they are contained only in the func where I write them, so it's not helping that much for this specific usage.
I don't really like the idea of having an API call "just for that", especially when I'll use it a lot for my tracking system, the goal is more to reduce themSo it's not an ABSOLUTE NEED but it might be very handy to add some genericity in my code.
For now I'll not do it, I'll let you know if I come up with a cool system to do it painlessly
See you soon,