UNSOLVED Use a Google Domain
How do I add a google domain to my website on Appdrag?
After clicking to "Use an existing domain from another registrar" I get this message:
- Connect to your current registrar.
- First you need to redirect .com to
- Then you need to create a CNAME entry for to ("" Is the value you have to set without modification).
I took my website name out and replaced it with ____ just for this message.
I don't see anywhere in Google to do #2 or #3.
Hey @sarah-goggins,
here is what I found searching the answers on google search:
What would my new forwarding address be? Or would it be product builder page website? Sorry, but none of this makes any sense to me.
@Joseph-Benguira I need to know where to find the URL/IP address for my specific appdrag website so that I can forward it in Google domains. I can't find it anywhere and using the project URL isn't correct. Please advise cause I'm not getting anywhere with my website. Thanks
@sarah-goggins which part of our instructions are not clear?
There is no ip you have to create a CNAME dns record as explained in our doc -
@sarah-goggins the forwarding address would be:
Of course replace by your real domain name as explained in our doc