Please be respectful of all AppDragers! Keep it really civil so that we can make the AppDrag community of builders as embracing, positive and inspiring as possible.
SOLVED My images have disappeared from the site!
I hope you are well.- My images have disappeared from the site!
Is there a technical problem? - Sometimes the site appears to be unsecured. I bought the certificate from you...![alt text](
- My images have disappeared from the site!
website is
I m using Chrome.
Hey @Nicolas-Flam
- I've checked your site and I do see the banner image in the first section
but I also see 3 dead links to images:
it's probably images you have deleted in the Assets ... I suggest that you reupload those images and relink them if needed
- I've checked your site, and it's 100% of the time in SSL on my side, this could be a network issue on your side maybe ... a screenshot of your issue would be helpful to tell you more.
- I've checked your site and I do see the banner image in the first section