wassim thank you so much

Best posts made by Patrick Maarek
RE: Up-to-care.com Bugg in traduction on the PC version of our site
Latest posts made by Patrick Maarek
RE: connection to the up-to-care.fr site not secure
@joseph-benguira said in connection to the up-to-care.fr site not secure
SSL activé sur un seul domaine
Joseph, thanks so much for your answer ...
I have followed the process indicated in the guide but I can't create the right DSN(s) and activate SSL for the up-to-care.fr domain.
Can you help me joseph please ??? the up-to-care.fr domain name is inaccessible
Thanks you for your help
connection to the up-to-care.fr site not secure
Hello the Appdrag team and the community,
At the begining, our website up-to-care had two domain name, .com et .fr buyed to appdrag; and the domain name up-to-care.fr had redirected to the domain up-to-care.com (with a secure connection), that's mean when we type the address https://www.up-to-care.fr we were redirected to the site https://www.up-to-care.com.
That's mean that the two domains up-to-care.com and up-to-care.fr were be tie to the same website.Today, our domain name up-to-care.fr is tie to the website adress secured https://www.up-to-care.fr
(and it not redirect to the website https://www.up-to-care.com).But when we type the address https://www.up-to-care.fr, an error message is displayed : " your connexion at this website is not secure" NET :: ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID
the security certificate of the website https://www.up-to-care.fr has expired 82 days ago, the 22 Juin 2022.
Please help us to solve this bugg in connexion to "https://www.up-to-care.fr"
Thank you of your answer
Patrick Isaac
RE: Change my project's primary domain name
hello Wassim,
I want to change the main domain name of my project Up to Care (up-to-care-82bf3a) to "www.up-to-care.fr".
how i have to do that ?
rename an unused Appdrag domain name to date
Hello Wassim, Joseph,
I would like to change the domain name "up-to-care.org" which I am not using to "up-to-care.co.il". is this doable in Appdrag? and how to ?
Change my project's primary domain name
Change my project's primary domain name
Hello Wassim, Joseph,
Following the transfer of the main domain name "up-to-care.com" from my Up to Care project (up-to-care-82bf3a) to another hosting provider, I would like to change the main domain name of my Up To Care project to "uptocare.com" without the "-" dashes.
This domain name "uptocare.com" is currently with another hosting provider and I request that it be imported in Appdrag (see my previous topic).Once this change of the main domain name of my Up To Care project has been made to "uptocare.com", I would like the domain name "up-to-care.fr" to be redirected to "uptocare.com"
URGENT How to Import a domain name into AppDrag that is registered with another host
Hello Wassim, Joseph and the entire AppDrag support team,
How to import the domain name "uptocare.com" into AppDrag, which is currently registered with another O2Switch host. who is driving this domain name transfer? Wassim can you please help me get my domain name back into AppDrag. Thank you for your quick answer. Patrick
To transfer the Domain Name "up-to-care.com" hosted on appdrag to another service O2switch
Hello the team support, Joseph, wassim, ....
Urgent Request
We have developed a new website "up to care" in Wordpress. And we would like this new site to be accessible with the domain name up-to-care.com. Also we ask you to transfer the domain name up-to-care.com, (or tell me what to do step by step) hosted at appdrag and which is currently associated with the old website "up-to-care-82bf3a" on another service, hosted at o2switch.
Developer Wordpress has communicated to me the target DSNs
"ns1.o2switch.net" et "ns2.o2switch.net"requested the authorization code for up-to-care.com.
The EPP code is : *****************Please, Keep me informed of the progress of this transfer.
RE: We want our logo society in google look
Thanks joseph i will try it today
RE: We want our logo society in google look
Hello Wassim,
Our favicon was updated from 10 days but google do not take it in google seek.
Please check this bugg
Patrick for up to care