SOLVED Modal content blocked
Hi all!
I'm using a gallery component.
Clicking on a picture in this gallery opens a modal.
This modal contains another page, which is already published.When I open the preview link, and click on the picture, the modal opens but its content won't load / it won't display anything, and I get this error in the console:
"Mixed Content: The page at '×tamp=1641832361546' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure frame ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS."
Do you have any clue where that could be coming from? And how to fix this?
Thank you!
@myriam-mira simple, it seems you are testing from this url
Instead of -
@jbenguira Hi! I changed the link to use the link with httpS and it still did not work, I had an error in the modal: refused to connect.
but the console told me that X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" in the http headers were causing that.
So I'm not really sure what the best strategy is if we want to use X-Frame-Options, do you have a recommendation?
Because when I removed it from headers, the modal was working perfectly.
Thanks! -
@myriam-mira indeed X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" is made to block traffic from iframe from a different origin ...
you either you remove that custom header, or instead you configure it to allow your other origin (the domain when it needs to be accessible)
where XXXXXXXXXXX is the domain to allow access from
If anyone needs an easy alternative, read the answer here: